Play the violin like a master.

The Eric Lewis method is an incredibly complete solution to mastering the violin and is easy to apply.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

What are most important thinks in learning violin

The violin is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments currently in existence. If you are dreaming of playing music in your home or would like to find a simple way for your children to learn to play violin for beginners, accomplishing that could be much easier than you think!

Following are three keys needed for anyone to learn to play violin for beginners.

#1: Self Confidence

What holds many people back from learning to play violin for beginners is the belief that it is too difficult to pick up or that they are somehow not cut out for making beautiful music. It's one thing to enjoy listening to the masters play the violin, but another thing entirely to attempt learning to play yourself.

The first thing you will need to do before you can learn to play violin for beginners is get rid of the idea that you are somehow not adequate for learning this instrument. Literally anyone can learn to play the violin with the right type of instruction and consistent practice.

If you start to tell yourself that you can learn to play violin for beginners and build up a bit of confidence, you will free yourself to take that first step toward learning this beautiful skill.

#2: Dedicated Practice Time

It will be much easier to learn to play violin for beginners if you have a small amount of dedicated practice time set aside just for your violin lessons. You don't have to free up hours a day or solid weekends just for practice, but you do have to find a way to practice on a consistent basis.

Another thing that holds many people back from learning to play violin for beginners is the belief that they don't have the required time to really become good at the instrument. They don't realize that there are now many ways to free up time, including the following:

* Purchase online lessons, rather than trying to schedule in classes or private lessons. You can do online lessons literally anytime!

* Practice your lessons when you have 10 or 15 minutes of free or waiting time. It will add up over time!

* Work through lessons and stumbling points in your mind. Imagining yourself playing the violin beautifully can help when you do have time for actual practice.

Even if you can only free up a half hour a day or a couple hours a week, you can now learn to play violin for beginners in a reasonable amount of time. What is important is that you find some time to devote to practice and then stick with it over time.

#3: Effective Instruction

So, how do you go about finding the best instructor willing to teach violin for beginners? It is often assumed that the best players in the world don't have time for teaching those just starting out, but that couldn't be further from reality!